Monday, January 25, 2016

My 21 Day Fix Extreme results

3 weeks ago I decided to embark on a journey… one I knew would challenge me. A journey I knew would require hard work and dedication. A journey that would give me EXACTLY what I was looking for.
3 weeks ago I started The 21 Day Fix Extreme. I decided to do this because I needed something that was really going to get me out of the rut I have been in. I needed something that would give me a good challenge and give me the results I was looking for. This program did JUST THAT! I could not be happier with the results I got from doing this program. I still have a long ways to go and there is still a ton of improvement to be made, but in just 3 short weeks I was able to finally break out of this funk I was in and get back on track.

Before I get to good part… you know those before and afters that everyone is always looking out for.. let me back up a little bit and tell you my story.
HELLO!!! That's me 8 months ago, 1 day before my beautiful daughter decided to make her debut into the world. My whole pregnancy I was so good about working out and eating right. Yes I gave into my cravings and did not deny myself anything. I worked out everyday and made sure I was eating good food.

My daughter came flying into the world… I mean within 2 hours of checking into the hospital I was pushing and she arrived before midnight on May 2! I remember my husband speeding to the hospital from my brother in laws wedding, dodging traffic and running red lights because I kept telling him I felt like I needed to push! I was 7cm dilated when we checked in and pushed maybe 30 minutes before Ava arrived!

4 days later and I remember being so sore! I did have a 2nd degree tear and adjusting to being a new mommy was hard! The sleepless nights, learning to breastfeed, your body adjusting back… it is a lot!!!

When I was finally cleared to start working out I remember being so excited and I couldn't wait to get back to it. I took it slow and eased back into things with The 21 Day Fix. Things were going awesome until I got mastitis and had to back away and let my body heal and rest. It was rough!

2 months later and we are getting ready for a big move. Traveling with a 2 month old is never ideal, but we got through it and now have some amazing memories to look back on.
This is where things got a little tricky for me….
A new baby, a big move, moving into a home that needed some serious TLC and getting used to my husbands new work schedule was a big adjustment for me. It took a toll on me physically and emotionally. So the last thing I was worried about was eating right and working out. I was also dealing with eating and breastfeeding…
Mama's who breastfeed… I don't know about you but breastfeeding made me a hungry monster! I craved sugar like I have never craved it before! It was like I could not get enough. And in a way food started to become a comfort.

I was falling into a nasty rut. One that was reeking havoc on my body. I was tired, I was drained, I was moody, I was feeling like not myself, I was not happy with the way I started to look, I was angry for letting myself slip for so long. I would start to get back on track and then fall off… it became a nasty cycle. I would do good then fall  back into that rut.

One day it was like something literally just hit me. Hey Tash! Wake up… you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Pick yourself up and get to work! You see… as a Beachbody coach, I help keep others accountable. I help them reach their goals. I help them see that its okay to fall off the wagon. Everyone needs help. Every needs accountability and support. 

 I am not perfect. I am human. I slip up sometimes and you know what? Thats okay! But looking at my daughter one day I realized something. I NEED to start setting a good example for her. I need to be healthy for her. She depends on me so much. She needs me. I want to be healthy and fit for her. This journey wasn't about me anymore. I have someone else who I am doing this for. I watched fellow coaches and friends post about getting their workouts in and eating right. They were busy mamas too. And I thought… You know what? I CAN do this! I WILL do this!!!

I put myself in my own challenge group with a group of other ladies. It was just what I needed.

My first week into The Extreme was hard. After months of being inconsistent it was a lot harder than I thought. It was HARDER than The 21 Day Fix. I struggled with the workouts, I was out of breathe. I wanted to give up. I wanted to stop early… but I didn't. I wanted results more!!!

You guys… it took me 8 months!!! 8 months to stay consistent. 8 months of falling off, falling on. This is me telling you… no matter what.. DO NOT GIVE UP!!! Stick with it no matter how hard, no matter what you are going through. You will get there!!

I hated the way I was feeling, the way I was looking. All that bad food was making me tired, weighing me down and holding me back. Missing those workouts put me in terrible moods. Did you know a workout can be a mood booster? Seriously! Mornings after my workout, it made me feel amazing and put me in a great mood for the rest of the day. 

A week into working out and eating clean I was feeling GREAT! I showed up every morning for that 30 minute workout and followed the eating plan EXACTLY! No cheating! I ate all my containers, eliminated sugar and dairy and my body was loving it! It was performing at its best! 

AHHHH….. you guys! I am so excited to share my results with you. It is my hope that I can inspire AT LEAST 1 person out there! Get up, get moving and give it your best! You don't have to be perfect. You won't be perfect. You will struggle, you will want to give up, you will fall off. But all that matters is you stick with it. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it. Because you can! I am here to tell YOU CAN! If I can do it… so can you! You need to do this for you! Do your body a favor, it will thank you in the long run. 

A few things I want to point out about The 21 Day Fix Extreme: 
This program is harder! The 21 Day Fix Extreme is a step up from the regular 21 Day Fix
* There is still a modifier you can follow along with but it is a faster pace and a bit more challenging. 

* As far as nutrition goes, it is the same container system but again, more strict. Goodbye waffles! I followed the nutrition along the lines of what is laid out in the book for what Autumn goes by. So that meant no dairy. Yes… you read that right.. no cheese :( It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! 

* The workouts are different because in The Extreme there are no breaks! It is go, go, go! Its much faster paced. You can still pause when you need to though. 

I still did this program breastfeeding! I calculated which calorie bracket I would be in and then added 500 extra calories for breastfeeding. So that put me in the 1800-2000 calorie bracket. And there were days I was still hungry and I did not let myself go hungry.. I ate! I had a few extra green containers here and there. It did not make a difference in my milk supply at all. 
You should check with your doctor before starting any workout program and if you have any questions .

SO….. thank you for reading my story and following along! Now the moment you have been waiting for… here are those before and after pictures ;) 

Starting weight: 119.9
After weight: 115.2

I lost a total of 5.5 inches. 
I feel better 
I feel amazing 
I am stronger 
I have more energy 
I am happy 
I am healthy 

Enjoy your journey. Make it fun! Find someone to share this with. Someone who will help hold you accountable and push you to be better every single day. Find what drives you and pushes you. Show up everyday and do your best! If you fall down, dust yourself off and get back up again! Just keep going. 
If you need someone to help hold you accountable, I am here! Join a challenge group and get everything you need to succeed! 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Homemade Almond Milk

I have seen so many posts about homemade Almond Milk and I have even browsed Pinterest and pinned many pins to remind myself to try it someday. Well that day came today. Actually, it started last night when I was making my grocery list and planning out meals for the week. I had almond milk on my list and remembered I had a big thing of raw almonds sitting in my cupboard. 24 hours later… I have some delicious, creamy, fresh almond milk.
I will never buy it again!

It is so easy and so delicious!
So here is what you need:
1 cup raw almonds
4 cups water
Cheese cloth
Vanilla or dates to sweeten if you wish.

Start by soaking 1 cup of almonds in 4 cups of water for 24 hours

Then drain your almonds and rinse them well. Place them in a blender with 4 cups of filtered water and blend on high.
Place your cheese cloth over a big bowl or a mason jar and pour the milk slowly. To get all the milk out you will have to give it a little squeeze once in a while. You will be left with a lot of pulp that you can just toss out or save to use in your oatmeal, smoothies yogurt, cookies or whatever you want :)

It is so good you guys! You can get as creative as you want with making this. Adding vanilla bean, cinnamon, dates, sea salt. Whatever you feel like experimenting with. I will be adding some dates to my next batch! We drink a lot of almond milk around here. I use it in oatmeal, in my shakes, to drink plain or I add a little splash in my coffee mornings. 

You can google or check Pinterest for lots of different ways to make almond milk too! 

Friday, April 10, 2015

29 weeks pregnant

How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 15 pounds
Maternity clothes? Oh yes!
Stretch marks? None.  
Sleep: Ehhh.. it depends on the night. I get up often to pee and toss and turn and it takes me longer to get comfortable.
Best moment this week: More shopping for our little girl :) I just love getting her cute outfits and toys 
Miss Anything? Just the usual. 
Movement: She is always on the move. 
Food cravings: Lots of fresh fruit right now! Berries, pineapple and cantaloupe
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: GIRL
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: None
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Going home for my baby shower and seeing family and friends. We have not seen family since we first told them we were pregnant so very anxious to see them all again! 

Friday, February 27, 2015

28 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still around 14-15 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yep :) 
Stretch marks? None.  
Sleep: Sleep is still so-so. I am tossing and turning more and more these days and getting up to pee a lot again… oh yay! 
Best moment this week: Seeing our little girl again :) It was SO MUCH FUN! She was all over the place sucking on her hands and toes! She was keeping us entertained. We tried to get some good pictures of her but she didn't want to stay still. The sugar made her so hyper
Miss Anything? I really want subs and bleu cheese… you will continue to hear this haha
Movement: Always!
Food cravings: Still just tons of fresh fruit…pineapple, berries, bananas… ahhh I can't get enough! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: GIRL
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: None
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the times but I have a few moody moments :) 
Looking forward to: Going home in a few weeks for my baby shower and seeing family! 

27 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Around 14 pounds now! Little girl is growing :) 
Maternity clothes? Yes! Loving how comfortable they are and how cute some of them are :) 
Stretch marks? None.  
Sleep: Sleep is so-so. It takes me a while to get comfy and I sleep with more pillows. I toss and turn more at night trying to get comfortable.
Best moment this week: Working on the nursery! We are waiting on a couple more things to arrive but getting it organized and put together is so much fun! So much pink!!
Miss Anything? Not missing anything. Having some food aversions though.
Movement: She likes to move around a lot :) 
Food cravings:LOTS of fresh fruit and veggies and super ice cold water. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not sick or queasy but I just don't want meat these days. 
Gender: GIRL
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Ummforgetfulness! haha I found myself putting silverware in the fridge along with pepper one day. 
Belly Button in or out? Still in! But it will definitely be popping out!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Only moody when I don't get enough sleep 
Looking forward to: Our next Doctors Apt so we can see our little girl again. I will have to do my glucose test then so I am sure she will be nice and hyper from all the sugar :) 

26 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still around 12 pounds  
Maternity clothes? Yes :) Loving them!
Stretch marks? None.  
Sleep: Sleeping good but it takes me a little longer to get comfy at nights. 
Best moment this week: Feeling my little princess moving around <3
Miss Anything? No.. not missing anything right now. 
Movement: Tons of movement!! I feel her all day and mostly at night. She is definitely a night owl 
Food cravings: Nothing in particular. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: GIRL
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: None
Belly Button in or out? In but it is wanting to come out!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!!! 
Looking forward to: Getting her nursery all done. I can't wait to see it all come together! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

25 Weeks Pregnant

Here we are week 25! I swear the days are just flying by. My favorite part of a new week is getting all the updates on my phone from the pregnancy apps. I love reading what is going on with my baby this week. This week she is the size of a cauliflower. WOW! Growing more fat and hair. Speaking of hair… I REALLY hope that old wives tale about having heartburn is true! They say.. if you have heartburn that means your baby is going to have lots of hair ;) 
Let me tell you… my heartburn has been BAD this week! I have NEVER had heartburn before in my life and since being pregnant..well lets just say I really feel for you all out there who get it on a regular basis. My love for buffalo chicken may have to be put on hold for a little while :( 

My cravings for cereal were out of control this week! I remember looking at Ryan one night and saying I really want some shredded wheat cereal. You know the kind with the white frosty sugary deliciousness smothered on top? haha yeah those! BUT I found a better alternative that satisfied my cravings just the same. Thank you Kashi cinnamon harvest! 
So good! 

If you follow me on Pinterest you have probably seen my nursery board and know I add a million things on there every day. This week I really focused on what we want to do for our little princess in her nursery. I am so excited about seeing our vision come to life! We wanted it soft and pink and girly! I love how many ideas Pinterest has and I have found so many cute Etsy shops that I can order from. I can't wait to show you guys her nursery when we have it all completed!
Some Pinterest inspiration :) 

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 12 pounds  
Maternity clothes? All about being comfortable these days :) 
Stretch marks? None.  
Sleep: Sleeping good. But I am tossing and turning a little more to try to get comfortable on my sides. I find myself wanting to really sleep on my back but I have been stacking pillows on each side of me so I keep on my sides :)
Best moment this week: Honestly the best moment was watching my stomach move around! This little girl loves to kick and kick hard! So its pretty entertaining to sit back and watch her go in there!
Miss Anything? You all know by this point I miss my blue cheese and deli subs:) But this week I was okay! 
Movement: Lots and lots AND LOTS of movement! She is the most active at night time and after I eat. 
Food cravings: Cereal!! Kashi Cinnamon Harvest… it is so good!! I could not wait to get a bowl of it in my stomach every day! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: GIRL
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Heartburn and acid reflux yuck! 
Belly Button in or out? Im still counting it as in ;) it hasn't made it all the way out yet ha  
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Only moody when I get hungry. 
Looking forward to: Setting up the nursery. We plan on painting soon and her furniture will be here. I have been pinning to Pinterest like crazy lately and checking out some Etsy shops. I can't wait to have it all come together! I also really looking forward to our next doctors apt so we can see our little girl again <3