My Fitness and Health Journey

3 years ago I decided to take control of my health and make a change. I was tired of feeling uncomfortable in my own body. I was going to the gym here and there but I had no idea what I was doing. I would spend a majority of my time on the treadmill or the elliptical. I was afraid of the machines and being at the gym made me feel uncomfortable. I also thought that since I did 45 minutes of cardio I could eat whatever I wanted. So I would head home and have a few cookies and indulge in some pizza or a cheeseburger. I honestly had no idea what I was doing when it came to eating right.

I remember seeing a friend post on her wall about doing a program called P90X. The same program that was sitting on my shelf collecting dust.She was also posting about drinking Shakeology every day. I can remember just thinking oh she looks great but do those home workout programs actually work. I was doubtful. I was skeptical. So I just continued doing what I was doing.

It wasn't working though. I was gaining weight, I was starting to feel worse and I was unhappy. When you don't feel good in your own skin it reflects on everything else. I was moody all the time, I was tired, I stopped caring about things. It was in that moment that I knew I needed a change... a BIG CHANGE.

I reached out to my friend Abby and asked her about this "Beachbody thing". At that point she was at the end of her transformation and she looked AMAZING. I wanted that for myself.

So... my journey began...

I dusted off my BRAND NEW copy of P90X and started this journey... I had attempted P90X in the past not once, not twice but three times before sticking with it! I never made it past the third day. Looking back now I realized I gave up to easy. It was challenging so I just gave up on it.

But this time was different for me. I had an AMAZING support group helping me every step of the way. Was is tough? OH YEAH! But it started to get easier... because I was getting better. 30 days in and I had the motivation I needed to keep going. I was seeing results... CRAZY good results. I was drinking Shakeology every single day to help me. It was helping my sweet tooth cravings, it was helping me stay full and giving me the energy I needed to get through the day. I was feeling amazing.

90 days later and I KICKED BUTT! I could not believe my own transformation! I lost over 20 pounds and had muscle! I was fit and feeling so great.

I kept the momentum going and continued on with several other Beachbody programs. I had the support I needed and they cheered me on every single day.

It takes time...your body is not going to change overnight. It takes patience. There will be bad days and there will be times when you are going to want to give up because it may seem to hard. But you have to push past that and focus on why you started. Surround yourself with the right people who are going to help you and not bring you down. It's a lifestyle change.

Along this journey I also realized I wanted to help others realize their potential. I wanted to help others with their health and fitness journey too. So I decided to become a Beachbody coach. And let me tell you... it is so rewarding!!! I love when people come to me and tell me that I made a difference for them. That I helped them make a change. I can't help but smile so big.

So if your feeling lost or you just don't know where to start. I can help you with that! I would LOVE to help you.

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