Monday, December 22, 2014

20 Weeks Pregnant

What an amazing week this has been! Halfway there… OH MY GOSH!!! The time is flying by and I can't believe it will soon be time to meet our little princess. This week we had our doctors appointment and ultrasound and I cannot even begin to describe the feelings and emotions when we saw our little girl. She has grown so much and was moving all over the place. She would not stay still for a second. It was pretty funny to watch. Her little arms and legs were going all over the place. And we did indeed confirm…  it's a little girl :) No doubts about that!
Seeing her little features. gave me butterflies! Her little nose and chin and hands and feet! AHHH I cannot wait to meet her <3

I have also been feeling A LOT of movement this week. She never sits still! It catches me off guard sometimes she kicks so hard! Especially at night time. She is a night owl like her mama ;) It is the most amazing feeling to be able to place my hand on my stomach and feel her moving. It makes me smile :)

I also have to say…we have the most amazing doctors office! They are always so friendly and reassuring at every single appointment. This week they congratulated us on our little girl and gave us a special little gift. HOW ADORABLE is this hat???! One of the staff members there made it! I cannot wait to put it on her! 

My cravings this week have been a little weird!!! They come out of no where and sometimes its the most random things! I still want my cheese and mustard sandwiches and raisin bran cereal. I actually had this for dinner the other night! Haha so weird right?! Ate it all together and it satisfied me! I am having more of a sweet tooth this week and its been crazy. It doesn't help with the holidays and the Christmas cookies and other sweets I just had to make and have sitting around. 
Let me tell you about this amazing little snack I put together the other night though… Oh my yum!!! Salty, sweet, savory… it is a keeper ;) 
Yes! That is popcorn and peanut butter. On their own they are delicious, BUT… put together… EVEN BETTER!!! I melted a little peanut butter and drizzled it on top of my popcorn. Perfect little sweet tooth snack :) 

I was also told this week to take it easy with my working out as well. So I had to say bye bye to Chalean Extreme. I have been doing Piyo instead and will be incorporating some walking to get my cardio in. Piyo is perfect for me. Its Yoga and Pilates combined and it still gives me a great workout! 

My bump decided to finally make its debut this week :) :) 

How far along? 20 weeks 
Total weight gain/loss: 9 pounds! Woo too! Little girl is growing :)  
Maternity clothes? YES! Did some shopping this week and found some cute jeans and tops. I am ready for some comfort at this point! My little belly just won't fit in my regular jeans anymore bye bye jeans see you in a few months ;) 
Stretch marks? None. I have been using my lotions every morning and night before bed. 
Sleep: Sleep is better this week. I have still been having a little back pain and hip pain. My sister-in-law gave me this amazing pillow called the snoogle. It has been amazing! I slept so hard the first couple of nights I used it. it helps support my back and it's just so comfortable to snuggle up to. 
Best moment this week: Seeing little baby P! The ultrasound was soooo amazing! Hearing her heartbeat and seeing her move around was so amazing. Seeing all her tiny little features and hands and feet and fingers and toes ahhh I just can't even describe how it felt. She was a jumping jelly bean in there so it was pretty entertaining to watch. 
Miss Anything? Subs just subs. :( 
Movement: This little girl is a tumbler! The movement this week has been crazy! She has been kicking harder and wiggles around in there so much. Who knew something so tiny could make movements that big!? I really feel her the most at nighttime. 
Food cravings: Just cheese and mustard… lots of mustard. The more the better! Raisin Bran cereal and popcorn with peanut butter.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: GIRL!!!! Team pink all the way :) 
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: A little back and hip pain. 
Belly Button in or out? In but its starting to pop out a little bit. It looks so weird right now! haha 
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy!!!! 
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery started! We have our furniture all picked out, the colors and theme we want to go with. Now it's time to start putting our vision together! I can't wait to get it started. 

19 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 19 weeks 
Total weight gain/loss: Still at 8 pounds! 
Maternity clothes? None! BUTTT I have been living in my leggings and my jeans are getting wayyy to tight so it will be time for some shopping for some pants at least! I just want to be comfortable! 
Stretch marks? Still none.
Sleep: Sleep was terrible this week! I have started having a little back pain and can't seem to get comfortable at night. I toss and turn and I am up all night. 
Best moment this week: Visiting family and being able to spend time with our beautiful little niece! We were able to drive up and visit her in the hospital and help out. It made things more realistic for us and even more exciting! We can't wait for our little girls arrival! 
Miss Anything? I really just want a nice cold deli sub that's all...
Movement: Oh yes! I have definitely been feeling our little princess kick! Small little flutters and at times it feels like waves in my stomach. She's doing some summersaults or some kind of tumbling in there :) Every time I try to get Ryan to feel it's like she stops and he can't feel anything. It's pretty funny! 
Food cravings: Nothing crazy this week. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Just a little back pain! 
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy! 
Looking forward to: Seeing our little girl next week :) 

18 Weeks Pregnant

I am behind on my posting I know! BUT I have a good reason!!! Let me take a minute to just brag a little… my beautiful little niece was born a week early and Ryan and I dropped everything to drive up and meet her. We spend a week with family visiting and loving every minute of it! She is the cutest thing ever and I can't wait until we can see her again and hopefully one day be closer so her and little baby P can grow up together and get in all sorts of trouble together ;)

So here we are at 18 weeks! It was a great week for me! I still have tons of energy and getting lots done. I have still had a little heartburn but coconut water has been doing the trick for me. And I am still wanting those cheese and mustard sandwiches AND raisin bran cereal…YES! SO GOOD!

How far along? 18 weeks 
Total weight gain/loss: Right around 8 pounds total so far
Maternity clothes? Still none, still able to get into my jeans! I did recently buy a belly band so I can continue wearing my regular jeans when the time comes too :) 
Stretch marks? None. Putting on that lotion morning and night.
Sleep: Sleep has been good! Still waking up a couple times but getting a good nights rest. 
Best moment this week: Doing more shopping for the little princess. It is so much fun! 
Miss Anything? I am getting over missing things at this point just have to suck it up for a little bit longer :) 
Movement: YES!! I have been feeling some weird things going on in my stomach! Its the strangest feeling and so hard to describe. It feels like little popping and bubbles. I feel it the most at night when I am relaxed and just laying there reading. 
Food cravings: MUSTARD!!!! Oh my gosh mustard is so delicious! I am talking about a lot of mustard here! And I have been wanting raisin bran cereal as well! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Just a little heartburn
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, happy happy! 
Looking forward to: Our next apt for our ultrasound. Can't wait to see how much this little girl has grown! 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Bringing Sexy Back For The New Year Challenge Group

The past couple weeks I have been thinking about the New Year and how BIG I want 2015 to be for me! I want to excel in my business, my health, my fitness, grow spiritually, and help others reach their goals. I have so many big plans for the New Year! I have been getting so excited setting my goals and working on my dream board! (If you do not have a dream board or you have never done one I highly recommend it! It really helps you stay on track and stay focused on your goals and dreams)!

One big goal of mine as I mentioned above was helping others this year with their health and fitness goals. I have always had a passion for fitness and the fact that I can help others with their goals just gives me the greatest feeling. That is why I want to start off the New Year with a BANG!

We all have New Years resolutions we set and most of the time they involve our health and fitness. We want to lose some weight, tone up, eat healthier, go to the gym, commit to a program, get in the best shape. Whatever your goals may be for the New Year… I want to help you get there!

I am starting a Challenge Group on January 5th to help 10 people with their health and fitness goals. Together we are going to make them happen! With a great support team behind you, you can accomplish anything.

                            So are you ready to BRING SEXY BACK? 

I LOVE Challenge Groups…. Why? Because they work! You have a place to check in, ask questions, share victories, vent, share awesome recipes, get ideas and much more. Not to mention… they are FUN! You meet some amazing people who you become friends with.

If you would be interested in joining this Challenge Group, fill out the form below to get started! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin French Toast

Oh yummy get in my tummy! Since becoming pregnant I have been craving french toast and blueberry waffles from time to time. One morning I had to get a little extra creative because I had no waffles, no waffle maker, and no big fluffy bread for french toast. But sitting in my fridge was some Ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread so out it came and my creative juices started flowing and a new recipe made its way into my kitchen for mornings :) Not only is it super yummy but its a healthier option as well!

 AHHH… my delicious, amazing, mouth watering masterpiece!!!!! 

Ingredients? Simple! 
-Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel Bread
-Almond milk 
-Greek Yogurt
-Fruit of your choice ( I love using blueberries, but I have done it with bananas as well) 

With this recipe I didn't measure anything because I was just throwing together what sounded good! So just eyeball what looks right ;) 
  • Whisk together your eggs and almond milk first to dip your bread in. 
  • Place your dipped bread in a frying pan and give it a nice brown on both sides. 
  • Mix together your greek yogurt with honey. Add as much as you like depending on how sweet you want it. Spread on top of your bread. 
  • Top with your blueberries
  • ENJOY :) :) :) 

Give this recipe a try and let me know what you think! If you have any other yummy french toast recipes please share! I am always looking for new, delicious breakfast ideas.