Sunday, November 30, 2014

17 Weeks Pregnant

Another week down! WOW! Where is the time going? This week was so busy for us with Thanksgiving and family in town visiting. It has been non stop fun.

I was welcomed with something I have NEVER experienced before this week…. HEARTBURN! Oh my goodness! That stuff is no joke and NO FUN! It seemed like no matter what I was eating I was getting it! The first night I got it I was laying in bed and just felt this disgusting burn rising in my chest and throat. I started researching ways I could get rid of it naturally and found my solution! Coconut water!! Oh yes! Instant, soothing relief! I always have coconut water in my fridge so down it went!

I have also had more of a sweet tooth this week! It came out of no where. AHHHH!!! It has been so hard to keep my sweet tooth in check but I am trying! I find I do better if I have my Shakeology first thing in the morning. Apples with peanut butter have been my go to treat and Pinterest is helping me come up with some creative snack ideas to keep it in check too. And let's just be honest for a minute… food tastes AMAZING these days. I can't get enough of it :) I won't even tell you how much I had to eat on Thanksgiving :) :) 
I will just show you…. ;) 

The baby really enjoyed some turkey, stuffing and apple pie ;) 

I am keeping up with my workouts and continuing to do Chalean Extreme. I try to workout 6 days a week and I am incorporating prenatal yoga in too. The yoga has been AMAZING for my sore muscles and it really helps get a good stretch in! Not to mention it is seriously relaxing! I have never been one for yoga but I find it so comforting some mornings. It's my quiet time <3 

How far along? 17 weeks 
Total weight gain/loss: 5 pounds! 
Maternity clothes? Still none yet! I did do some shopping and on black friday for some super cute tops that I am sure I will be wearing soon :) 
Stretch marks? None! YAY!!! 
Sleep: I slept reallyyyyy good this week! Im not sure if it was a mixture of all the food I indulged in and constantly on the go or what but I slept hard and great! Still had some super weird dreams! 
Best moment this week: Having my grandma in town and doing some shopping with her :) We had so much fun picking out some cute outfits for little baby P. She is going to be well dressed! Little girl clothes are so much fun!!!!
Miss Anything? No… 
Movement: No movement yet. 
Food cravings: SWEETS! It was so bad this week! I wanted chocolate and sugar like I have never wanted it before. Salty, sweet, chocolatey whatever I can get my hands on. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Still a girl :) 
Labor Signs: No, no cook a little longer baby ;)
Symptoms: No symptoms this week..
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy all the time. I can't help it :) 
Looking forward to: Our appointment in a week, so we can see our little girl again <3 I can't wait to see how much she has grown

Her closet is filling up fast! She is one loved little baby <3 <3 <3 

Enjoying a beautiful sunset with my grandma. She is so excited to become a great grandma! 

Thanks for reading and continue to check back for weekly updates :) 

Monday, November 24, 2014

16 Weeks Pregnant

OH MY OH MY!!! The time is flying by! 16 weeks! It feels like just yesterday I was finding out I was pregnant. I was told by a lot of people that it goes by so fast and they were right! I have enjoyed every single moment of my pregnancy so far! I have had so much energy lately so my house is staying super clean and I am constantly trying to find something to do. A new project, crafts, getting little baby p's room ready :)

I am starting to get a little bit of a belly <3 It likes to pop out somedays and other days its like its not there at all. I can't wait until I have a nice big round belly!

How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 5 pounds! 
Maternity clothes? Still no maternity clothes! Still in my regular jeans. They are beginning to fit tighter but I can still get them on :) 
Stretch marks? Lotion morning and night and no signs of stretch marks yet! 
Sleep: Starting to sleep better! I try not to drink so much water at night before bed because when I do I have to wake up and pee a million times. And I am starting to have some WEIRD vivid dreams. I can't help but laugh at some of the things I am dreaming!
Best moment this week: Looking at baby stuff :) Its all so cute! 
Miss Anything? Not really.. getting over my NEED for bleu cheese haha 
Movement: None yet, but the doctor told me to expect to feel something in the next couple weeks so I can't wait for that!
Food cravings: ahhh cheese and mustard sandwiches!!!! WHAT? haha so weird but oh so so so good :) 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope 
Gender: Still a little mini me my little princess <3
Labor Signs: Oh no
Symptoms: Crazy energy if that counts as a symptom? ha 
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: SUPER happy :) 
Looking forward to: Our next appointment for our ultrasound so we can see how much baby girl has grown :) Can't wait to see her again <3 

I really have had an amazing pregnancy so far. I had no morning sickness, I did have a couple days of nausea early in. I am doing my best to eat healthy (minus all those cravings I just can't help sometimes). and continue with my workouts at home. I made a promise to myself that I would remain healthy and fit during my pregnancy and I am doing my best to make sure that happens :) 

A little video of me doing Chalean Extreme. I have been doing this program with no problems. There are some moves I have to modify at times and I make sure I listen to my body and stop and rest when I need to. 

I also ordered this program to try as well. I heard prenatal yoga is great so I will keep you updated and let you know what I think :) 

Thanks for visiting and please check back! I will be updating every week on this amazing journey <3 <3 

Friday, November 21, 2014

YAY!!! We're pregnant!!!!

I have put this post off long enough! I am so glad I finally have the time to sit down and share with you all my pregnancy journey so far. I still can't believe it somedays, and I cannot even begin to describe all the emotions I am feeling. Happy, excited, scared, anxious, nervous, overwhelmed… just to name a few ;)

I knew from the moment we found out that I wanted to document as much as I could and write everything down and take pictures and track every step of the way! SO.. let me catch you all right up to 15 weeks :) :) :)

I found out I was pregnant the day after Ryan's birthday. And yes I went crazy and peed on about 15 sticks! I couldn't believe it when the first one showed pregnant. I instantly started bawling my eyes out and running through the house like a crazy person jumping up and down. I told Ryan by letting him know one of his birthday presents came late and then filled him in. He had no idea what was coming :) It was such a beautiful moment for us both. We are both so excited to become parents and are enjoying this journey so far.

How far along? 6 weeks! 
Total weight gain/loss: No gain or loss. Feeling very bloated at this point though. 
Maternity clothes? Not Yet :) 
Stretch marks? Nope! Lathering up morning and night to prevent what I can! 
Sleep: I was way to excited when we first found out but I have been sleeping better minus the getting up to pee every so often.
Best moment this week: Starting my pregnancy journal and seeing our little peanut for the first time. 
Miss Anything? Coffee and bleu cheese. I usually eat it on everything and anything!
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: Oh my goodness... taco salads like crazy! Thats all I want to eat. I could have a taco salad for dinner every night. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing yet 
Gender: No hunches yet! 
Labor Signs: Lord no! Stay in there baby you need to cook for a lot longer!
Symptoms: Tender, sore boobs and sooooo tired!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mixture of both.  I was VERY moody before we found out, super emotional and crying a lot and now I know why :) I am still emotional now. My moods come from being so tired during the day
Looking forward to: Going home in a few weeks so we can finally share the good news with our family! Its been hard holding this little secret in! 

Our first time seeing our little peanut! So teeeeeny tinnnnny. Such an amazing moment <3 <3 <3 

How far along? 7 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:Around a pound Still very bloated right now so the scale goes up and down. 
Maternity clothes? Not yet. My jeans have been feeling a little right because of the bloating.
Stretch marks? None! YAY! Lather! Lather!
Sleep: EhhhGetting better with sleeping. I still wake up a couple times to pee in the night but not nearly as bad as last week.
Best moment this week: Talking with Ryan about all the ways we are going to tell our family. We have something special planned for them all :) 
Miss Anything? Coffee! I want a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks sooooo bad! And still bleu cheese. I wanted buffalo chicken fajitas the other night loaded with bleu cheese.
Movement: none yet
Food cravings: Nothing in particular this week. Mostly carbs and cheese because thats all I can stomach and all that sounds good. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought of meat, salads which I normally love, eggs, oatmeal.. eeeek 
Gender: For some reason something is telling me boy :) 
Labor Signs: No and no! 
Symptoms: Sore boobs they are growing like crazy. HUGE and swollen ;) Getting small waves of nauseas this week, usually in the afternoon. And I need naps because I always feel so tired. 
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody! I have been having terrible mood swings and they seem to come out of no where. 
Looking forward to: Telling our families. I feel like we have been holding the secret in long enough! I am ready to spill the beans and shout it out! 

How far along? 8 weeks! 
Total weight gain/loss: Still around a pound. 
Maternity clothes? Not yet! I did buy a couple shirts the other day to stock up for when I will need them :) 
Stretch marks? Still none! Lathering up! 
Sleep: Sleep right now is so, so. I always have to get up to pee in the middle of the night no matter how little I drink before bed. 
Best moment this week: Looking at baby stuff! I can't wait to find out what we are having so we can actually start buying things. Going into baby gap was so much fun :) 
Miss Anything? Still coffee! I miss it but haven't been able to drink it. It just smells funky to me. I am  missing subs too! I want a nice cold sub from Publix deli.
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: Mostly ice cold water and cold fruits
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! I had small waves of nauseas last week but that has passed. I found it came mostly from not eating soon enough in the morning and not eating enough during the day. I feel so much better this week and wanting my salads, meats and oatmeal back :) 
Gender: Still thinking a boy! We will find out soon!
Labor Signs: Gosh no! 
Symptoms: SOREEEEE boobs! They won't stop growing. Sports bras are all I can manage to wear right now haha. Its time to do some shopping I guess! I still get tired and need my naps :) 
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week! I am starting to feel great! 
Looking forward to: Telling our families! We head home in a couple days and I cannot wait to tell everyone. I know they are going to be so excited! 

How far along? 9 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still around a pound. 
Maternity clothes? None yet! I keep feeling super bloated so it might be time for some jeans!
Stretch marks? None! Fingers crossed it stays that way.
Sleep:Still waking up in the middle of the night to pee and having some weird vivid dreams. So definitely not sleeping through the night like I would like it. 
Best moment this week: Telling our parents and grandparents and friends and family. It felt so great to get the secret out and see everyones reactions. It was super emotional. 
Miss Anything? Publix subs like CRAZY. ( I think this is becoming more of a craving). And bleu cheese still! Being home and having wings without it sucked! There is nothing better than wings from home with some good homemade bleu cheese.
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: Pickles and ice cold water. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Every once in a while meat does. It just doesn't sound good sometimes. 
Gender: Mixed feelings.. some days I think boy and some days I think girl. 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Boobs are still super tender and sore. And they will NOT STOP GROWING! haha seriously.. this can't be normal ;) At this rate ill be going up 3 cup sizes. Im feeling really tired and still need naps.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: A little moody I get mood swings and can't help it. I think a lot of it is feeling tired and when I don't get naps I get moodier. 
Looking forward to: Our 12 weeks appointment so we can see the baby again and find out the gender :) 

Heres a little video of us telling my sweet grandma that she is going to be a great grandma. We got her an Origami Owl necklace and filled it with charms and put one in there that said Great Grandma. She didn't get it at first and thought we were just calling her a great grandma. She is seriously so adorable!!! 

How far along? 10 weeks  
Total weight gain/loss: Haven't weighed myself in a while since being home. I am sure I have gained a few pounds between the terrible eating and the bloat I have been feeling. 
Maternity clothes? Still none. My clothes are fitting good. Jeans are a bit snug. I plan on buying some clothes when we get back to Florida just to start stocking up. 
Stretch marks? None still! Fingers crossed it stays that way. I keep lathering up with my lotion. 
Sleep: Sleep has been bad this week with being on vacation. Not being in my own bed hasn't helped and I still get up to pee in the middle of the night. I have been tossing and turning a lot more this week. 
Best moment this week: Talking about a baby shower with my family that they want to start planning. It make it all feel more realistic. It has been so much fun being able to talk about names too with them. 
Miss Anything? Coffee still! I can have a cup but I want 3 or 4! Cold cuts and yes bleu cheese I could live off it! I just want to make a nice cold turkey sandwich
Movement: no. Still to early 
Food cravings: Pickles, pickles and more pickles! Anything salty or sour I can get my hands on :) I wanted sour patch kids the other day so bad. So weird because I'm not normally a big candy eater.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! 
Gender: Still mixed feelings. We will find out in a few weeks! 
Labor Signs: No! Stay in there a little longer. 
Symptoms: My boobs are still sore, Im still tired and have some serious bloat going on. Ive been noticing it looks like a tiny pooch forming :) 
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mixed. Happy and moody. Depends on my naps the sleep I got the night before. AND if I'm getting enough to eat! I have to make sure I eat every couple hours or its not pretty :) 
Looking forward to: Getting back to Florida and going to our doctors appointment on the 21st. Its a big one! We will be able to see the baby again and go through all the testing and find out what we are having. I am so excited for it! 

How far along? 11 weeks! 
Total weight gain/loss: Around 4 pounds so far. Trying to keep healthy! 
Maternity clothes? Still none! Fitting into my regular clothes still! 
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: About the same. I wake up to pee a lot in the middle of the night still.
Best moment this week: Looking at baby stuff :) 
Miss Anything? Haha still bleu cheese. I usually eat it on everything and I want it so bad. Still want a sub from publix too. 
Food cravings: Pickles and ice cold water with lemon.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope :) All past that! 
Gender: No ideas. Can't wait to find out! 
Labor Signs: No!
Symptoms: Sore boobs and peeing constantly 
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: VERY happy. Starting to get my energy back and feeling great. 
Looking forward to: Our appointment so we can see the baby again :) 

How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pound
Maternity clothes? Still none. I have a feeling it won't be long until I need to buy some! 
Stretch marks? Still none. 
Sleep: The same. I am peeing constantly which is annoying and doesn't make for a good nights sleep. 
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby! :) We went in for our appointment and got to see little P moving its hands and feet around. It is so amazing how much its grown! 
Miss Anything? Just the usual bleu cheese.
Movement: None.
Food cravings: ICE ICE ICE cold water with lemon. I put so much ice in my water. I have had a sweet tooth cravings like crazy too. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope :) 
Gender: No ideas :) 
Labor Signs:No
Symptoms: The same.. boobs are still sore. 
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! :) :) Have tons of energy and feeling great. 
Looking forward to: Getting the gender results back our test so we can find out what baby P is!!!

Our little nugget waving to us!!! So amazing to see. And hearing the heartbeat made it so special. 

How far along? 13 weeks! 
Total weight gain/loss: Still 4 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Still nonebut a shopping trip might be in order soon my pants are feeling very tight. 
Stretch marks? None! Lathering up still. 
Sleep: Sleep is always the same. I wake up a few times to use the bathroom because I drink so much water during the day up until bed time. I can't help it. I just love water right now 
Best moment this week: Letting the rest of the world know we are pregnant :) We posted to social media so the rest of our friends could find out. 
Miss Anything? Soft cheeses. 
Movement: No.
Food cravings: Still ice cold water and fruit, especially berries. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: No ideas! I can't wait to find out. 
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: None really anymore. Feeling really awesome.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: REALLY HAPPY!!! 
Looking forward to: Getting our results back hopefully next week for the gender! We are so anxiously awaiting to find out what it is so we can start shopping! 

How far along? 14 weeks! 
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds!
Maternity clothes? Still none. Able to fit into my jeans still. Some days they feel right and other days they feel fine. 
Stretch marks? None. Using my lotion morning and night! 
Sleep: I sleep good except the few times I have to wake up to pee. I get so thirsty before bed and chug so much water ( oops) 
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender!!!!!! AHHHH!!!! We went out to dinner with my brother in law and his fiancé and opened the envelope our doctors office gave us with them. It was so exciting to hear we are having a little girl <3
Miss Anything? Soft cheese still and a cold sub from publix so bad!!! 
Food cravings: Lots of fruit and pickles and chocolate. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: It's a GIRL!!!!!
Labor Signs: Nope!
Symptoms: None. I have been feeling awesome this week with tons of energy.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super happy
Looking forward to: Doing our baby registry and researching baby gear and getting the nursery started. I have been pinning tons of ideas and I can't wait to start shopping. 

 On our way to dinner to open this very special envelope :)
Ryan's in trouble with two girls in the house now :) :) We are so excited about having a little girl. 

How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still around 4 pounds
Maternity clothes? Still not wearing any! Loving that I can still fit into my jeans so I am going to rock them for as long as I can :) 
Stretch marks? None! Lotion morning and night. 
Sleep: Staring to sleep better! Still waking up a couple times to pee but watching how much I drink before bed so this doesn't happen :) 
Best moment this week: Shopping for nursery furniture and talking about themes and ideas for her room. Started to think about colors and putting ideas together. Pinterest has been so dangerous with ideas :) 
Miss Anything? Missing my red meats done medium! Hating eating steak well done. 
Movement: None yet. Can't wait! 
Food cravings: Nothing in particular. Just still loving my ice cold water with lots of lemon. Every once in a while I get a craving for something sour and I turn to sour patch kids :) 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: LITTLE GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: No 
Symptoms: None.. feeling amazing.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super happy still! 
Looking forward to: Our doctors appointment on Wednesday! Excited to talk with our doctor.